Captain Marvin Creamer's Circumnavigation Without Instruments |
About Marvin Creamer
Professor Marvin Creamer founded the Geography Department at Rowan University (formerly known as Glassboro State) and taught geography
for as long as anyone can remember, but he is best known as Captain Marvin Creamer. He achieved fame as the only known person to have
sailed around the world without using nautical instruments.
Personal Information:
Marvin C. Creamer was born January 24, 1916 in Vineland, NJ. He grew up in
Pittsgrove Township, near a lake at Parvin State Park in Southern New Jersey. As a
lad, he held a fascination for the universe, spending hours staring at the night sky, wondering how stars could guide him on many an
imaginative journey. As he grew older, he developed an interest in the sea and in sailing.
From 1935 until 1939, Marvin and his brother Richard learned the carpenter trade
with R.C. Harvey Builders of Quinton, NJ.
Marvin served our country in WW II
He enrolled in Glassboro State College in
He married Blanche Layton of Vineland in 1946
(deceased 2005). Two daughters and one son were born to them.
Bachelor of Science from Glassboro State College, N.J.
Master of Science degree from the University of Pennsylvania
Master of Science from the University of Wisconsin
Honorary doctorate in the humanities from Glassboro State College in 1980.
Marvin Creamer served as Professor of Geography at Glassboro State College (now Rowan University) from 1948 through 1977. It was during
his years as a professor of geography, that he collected valuable information needed to fulfill his childhood dream of circumnavigating
the globe. It was not until after his retirement as Geography Professor, however, that Marvin finally had the time and money to fulfill
that dream.

Marvin and his wife Blanche before his departure in December, 1982
